Laurie Walton

Hi, My name is Laurie, I am a christian mom to 2 Beautiful grown children and now have a Son -n- law and Daughter -n- law, So I like to say I have 4 kids. My husband and I run and own an adult foster home here in the beautiful state of Oregon. It has it's challenging moments, but also it has a lot of positives. I enjoy helping them and taking them places they enjoy as well. I love to read, take walks, and be with family. My most favorite hobby is scrapbooking, I try to get in as much as possible. I also really enjoy taking pictures. I count everyday as a Blessing and a gift from God.

Libby Jack

Hello, Fellow Scrappers... I am Libby, and you can find me tucked amongst the green hills of rural "Middle-of-Nowhere", Pennsylvania. I am a dedicated single mom of two boys, Jaxon (5) and Levi (12), and I'm a full-time university student working toward my masters degree in Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology. Believe it or not, I absolutely LOVE doing homework and studying my major, and I think the best word to describe myself, other than Mom, is "NERD". ;)
I walked away from scrapbooking in 2006 after the unexpected death of my fiance. My whole scrap-life had been very much about him, so I felt I had to abandon the hobby for a while and regroup. Recently, I caught the Scrapbooking Flu again, and I have been catching up on 5 years worth of photos and memories. I am very enthusiastic about coming back into a past-time that I find so rewarding. And I also look forward to being inspired by everyone here at C'est Magnifique... I am grateful for the opportunity to share tidbits of my life and imagination with you!!

I look forward to working with both of these women and I just can't wait to see what they come up with using our first kit!
I also want to take a moment to remind everyone of our call for the Oct, Nov and Dec Guest Designers! Read our previous blog entry for more info...
Congrats Laurie and Libby...looking forward to seeing your creations!!!